Who We Are

It was October 2006 when I started Gottlieb Group Communications.

I set out on my own to deliver a style and quality of communications and business consulting that I felt was missing. My objective was to create relationships where clients understood and accepted that business was, at the end of the day, communications. Every decision, big or small, is grounded in a narrative – for both internal and external audiences.

I knew that having a communications advisor working side-by-side with the executive team was as important as having legal counsel or an accountant in the room. My pitch was simple: adopt this approach and your organization will be able to more effectively control its story and ultimately do a better job creating, burnishing, and cementing its reputation. My strategy has always been my authenticity - and my authenticity is my strategy.

But after 18 years, hundreds of clients, thousands of written pieces, hours and hours spent on the side of the road taking calls from my car, I am changing things up as I look to 2025 and the future. And, no, I’m not getting an office. Instead, I am pleased to announce that I am creating a new firm called Fulcrum Strategic with long-time friend and collaborator Andrew Thibault.

Andrew and I have worked together for nearly 25 years. In fact, he and I were early, in many respects - circa 2005- in offering a unified approach that sought to explain that the data was the story, and the story is in the data. As our website says, “Fulcrum Strategic lives at the intersection of data and narrative. We excel at leveraging data - existing and new - into critical insights that drive decisions and create lasting impact.”

Those of you who know me know that I am relentlessly focused on impact. Too many times, I’ve seen the cost of failing to tightly integrate data and narrative. Research and storytelling are inextricably linked and when they are handled by different teams, no matter how good, efficiency and impact are compromised.

Fulcrum Strategic is different.

We recognize the value of integrating these disciplines from the start so that you and your project benefit from strategic insights from both sides, with communications insights improving the research and the research insights improving communications. This is why Andrew and I created Fulcrum Strategic and are so excited about the future.

Please reach out so we can catch up and connect.


Steven Gottlieb - Partner